Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fanmail from Fandango

ok - I know the obsession is ridiculous but I don't care and you all have to love me for who I am. So on you can sign up to receive an e-mail alert when the tickets you are waiting for go on sale....any guess as to which movie I'm talking about?? TWILIGHT!!!! The neat thing about it is that you can pick which movies you want alerts for, so you're not getting a bunch of e-mail from fandango about movies you don't care to see. I signed up so that when Twilight tickets finally go on sale I can be sure and get tickets for opening night. So those of you who are planning on coming with me need to let me know for sure (again, it's november 21) that you are coming so I can buy your ticket and you can pay me back. I'M SO EXCITED!!


Unknown said...

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for posting about Fandango! Can you please contact me at I will have Twilight countdown banners that will look great on your blog.

Mimi Vuong
Fandango, Inc.

T-Rah said...

umm...ME, hello.

Shelese said...

I'm in too, but are we seeing it in Utah or Idaho? I'm fine either way... just didn't know how far Tirra was going to drive for it!

Melissa said...

I was planning on Idaho....Tirra said she was coming early for Thanksgiving so we could go.